With a TrustedHousesitters annual membership you can connect with unlimited verified sitters - all without any extra money changing hands.

Sign up now and start connecting with like-minded pet lovers. We have thousands of trusted sitters looking for a new four-legged friend to share their next adventure with. With over 10 years of contented pets and 200k+ happy members, we must be doing something right!

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Sign up and become part of our global animal-loving community of fellow pet parents who love to explore.

Choose your perfect sitter

All of our sitters are verified. Find the perfect sitter to love and care for your fur family whilst you’re on your next adventure.
Ask any vet, they’ll tell you the same thing! Remove the stress of kennels or the need to lean on friends and family.

Connect with confidence

Keep pets happy at home

"Kelly and Matt are so warm and hospitable. It was a pleasure spending time with Zorro and we hope to care for him again in the future."

Dissaya and Young, Zorro's pet pals

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As an extra treat

Discover the magic of holiday pet sitting, with love

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Holiday pet sitting, with love

Find pet-loving, verified sitters to keep your furry family safe and happy at home while you’re off exploring. Use code KATKIN25 for 25% off.

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Vacation pet sitting, with love

Compassionate kitty care in the safety of their own home. Apply the code KATKIN25 at the checkout to find verified, pet-loving sitters from around the world.

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Find the perfect match

“Dissaya and Young took exceptional care of Zorro. Knowing Zorro was in good hands while we were away let us enjoy our trip even more.”

Kelly and Matt, Zorro's pet parents

Save today on any new annual membership by using code KATKIN25

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Holiday pet 
sitting, with love

Find pet-loving, verified sitters to keep your furry family safe and happy at home while you’re off exploring. Use code KATKIN25 for 25% off!

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Find pet-loving, verified sitters 
to keep your furry family safe and happy at home while you’re off exploring. Use code KATKIN25 for 25% off.